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Tuesday, January 8
2013 rule changes
Rule Changes for 2013 Based on Votes at 10/15/2013 GCKA Meeting

Rule 9. PITCHING DISTANCE – Class AA=60 feet, 6 inches; Class A=60 feet, 6 inches; Class B Senior= 54 feet; Class B Junior=51 feet; Class C=48 feet; Class D=45 feet. Any leagues, schedules and/or games which involve both Class B Senior and Class B Junior teams will use the Class B Senior pitching distance.

Rule 10. BASE DISTANCE – Class AA=90 feet; Class A=90 feet; Class B Senior=80 feet; Class B Junior=75 feet; Class C=70 feet; Class D=60 feet. Any leagues, schedules and/or games which involve both Class B Senior and Class B Junior teams will use the Class B Senior base distance.


A. Rest Between Pitching Assignments –

1. Any player who pitches in any portion of a game (including practice games) shall not be permitted to pitch again without two complete nights’ rest between pitching assignments.

2. In any one day a pitcher cannot pitch more innings than the length of a normal game in his class in his District. Note: A single pitch in any inning counts as an inning pitched.

B. Pitch Count Limit

1. On the day he pitches, a pitcher shall be limited to the maximum number of pitches as follows: Class A – 90 pitches; Class B – 80 pitches; Class C – 70 pitches; Class D – 60 pitches provided that he has not exceeded his innings limit in 17(A)(2).

2. A “pitch” is recorded each time the pitcher addresses and throws a“pitch” towards home plate after the umpire has called “play ball” and the ball is live. Throws during a “timeout”(including warm-up pitches) shall not be counted in the pitch count. Pitches shall include strikes, balls, batted foul balls, batted fair balls, dead balls (such as hit by pitch) and any other “pitch” as defined by the National Major League Baseball Rules.

3. When the pitcher reaches his pitch count limit under this rule, the team manager, if he so chooses, may allow the pitcher to finish pitching to the current batter, but not be allowed to pitch to any other subsequent batter of that game or any other game during that same day which might be allowed under other sections of this rule.

4. Each manager shall have his team scorekeeper keep pitch counts for both the home and away teams’ pitchers. At the end of each half inning, each team’s scorekeeper shall verify and reconcile the recorded pitch count. The pitch count recorded in the home team’s scorebook for all pitchers shall govern in any disputes involving this rule and the umpire shall rely on the pitch count recorded in the home team’s scorebook if the umpire is requested to verify a pitcher’s pitch count prior to removing him from the game to comply with this rule. If the umpire determines the pitcher has exceeded his pitch count under this rule and should have not started pitching to the current batter, the umpire shall remove said pitcher from the game immediately. The replacement pitcher shall be given an adequate number of warm-up pitches before he begins to pitch to the batter.

C. Pitching In Multiple Games On The Same Day

1. A pitcher may pitch in more than one game on the same day provided that:

a. The pitcher has had two complete nights’ rest prior to the day of the games.

b. The pitcher pitches no more innings than the length of a normal game in his class in his District. 17 (A)(2)

Note: A single pitch in any inning counts as an inning pitched.

C. The pitcher has not exceeded his pitch count for a single day in his class. 17 (B)(1)

D. Trips To The Mound – Removing The Pitcher

1. In Classes AA, A and B, after the second trip to the mound by the manager or coach in the same inning, the pitcher shall be removed from his pitching assignment but may otherwise stay in the game. Once removed due to trips to the mound, said pitcher may not resume pitching until the following inning.

2. In Classes C and D, after the third trip to the mound by the manager or coach in the same inning, the pitcher shall be removed from his pitching assignment but may otherwise stay in the game. Once removed due to trips to the mound, said pitcher may not resume pitching until the following inning.

E. Taking Signals – The National League rule that requires the pitcher to take signals while in contact with the pitching rubber shall only be enforced in Classes AA and A.

F. Pitcher Accommodations – A pitcher may wear a medical alert bracelet on his non-pitching arm as long as the bracelet is secured and covered by flesh colored tape.

G. Knothole District Supervisor Restriction and Penalties

1. This rule cannot be changed by any Knothole District Supervisor except that any Knothole District Supervisor may implement a pitch count rule for District league play which allows fewer pitches but otherwise follows all other aspects of this rule.

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2. Penalty for first violation – The team manager of the violating team shall be suspended for two games and forfeit the game in which the violation occurred.

3. Penalty for second and/or subsequent violation – Note governed by GCKA -Can be established by each District Supervisor at their discretion for their District.